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I share a flat with a friend and she keeps borrowing my things without asking. At first it was just little things like books and DVDs but now she’s started borrowing my clothes and when I want to wear my favourite dress, for example, I find it on her bedroom floor unwashed! What should I do?


  1. Dear Meg, Y think you sshould talk with her and, if she still borrows your clothes, I think you should go to another flat with another person (or alone). Make her know that if she doesn't change, you will go and she will be alone.

  2. Hi Meg, I think you shouldn’t let him take anything else, if necessary, don't even let him come to your house.

  3. I think you should care and put the padlock with your things

  4. Jello Meg,I think you should move ut or move things around,and you shouldn't tell her were do you keep them.

  5. I think you shouldn't leave your clothes, and tell him that wat is yours shouldn't be take with you permission.

  6. I think you should start borrowing things at her because she will see what she's doing and maybe you'll find a way to do a pact.

  7. I think you should leave that home and stop beins friends

  8. I think you should tell him to ask when he wants to to talk something and when she finishes using it he washes it

  9. I think you should talk with her and tell her that you don't like when she takes your clothes. If she still does it after that, maybe you can put a lock on your room so she can't enter and grab your things.

  10. Hello meg! I think you should talk with you friend about the problem, and make it dear that the things that are yours are only yours. And if she wants anything from your room, she should ask you about the clothes that she wants. If this does not work, you can put locked drawers in you room.

  11. Hi Meg, look, you should talk to your flatmate and do 2 things, one, tell her that if she wants to take things, she should ask for your permission. And the second is kick her out of thw house.

  12. Hello!
    You should talk to you friend and, if she doesn't cange, stop living with her.

  13. Hello Meg, I think you should tell her what she is doing, and say that it is so uncomfortable and you don't like what she is doing, and if she still borrows your things then leave that flat and go to another flat.

  14. Hello Meg, you should quit the frinship because is getting toxic because i wants more of you.

  15. Hi meg , I think what you can do is tell your roommate not to take your clothes and is she doesn't understand then find another roommate .

  16. Hello Meg , I think you should talk to your friend . If not you leave the flet .

  17. Hi Meg, I think you should talk to her saying that you will leave if she continues with that attitude.


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