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 I am a 16-year-old student. Next summer I want to go on holidays with my friends, but my parents think I'm irresponsible. What should I do?


  1. I think you should try to convince your parents to make them understand the situation.

  2. I think you should start being more responsible and surprise them because they will see that it is important for you, and maybe they change their opinion.

  3. Why don't you show them your responsibility with acts? For example you should help your parents with house chores: clean the dirty dishes, put the washing machine, clean your room frequently, and help with the things of your parents. They can think that you are responsible if you do this things!

  4. i think you should wait because you are young to go on holidays only with your friends

  5. You should show to your parents that you can be a responsible person, for exemple doing chores, doing your homeworks on time, etc. Things like these will for sure convince your parents to let you go on holidays with your friends.

  6. Dear Tim,
    I think you should talk to you parents and tell them that this is not true. For thatreason you should prove it, tell them to give you a chance, so that they can see that yu are responsible enough.
    I hope it helps you!

  7. Hello Tim, my advice it's, tell to your friends you can't go or you can show to your parents they are not right, show them you can be responsible, there are two options, now you choose.

  8. The best thing you could do is to talk to them politely without any insults, and if they don't confirm, make them understand that you can understand.

  9. I think you should show your parents that you are responsable so hat they let you go


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