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My English teacher gave me a lot of books to read but I don't like books. I prefer video games. What should I do?


  1. I think you should tell your teacher that you don't like books

  2. I think you should prioritize, maybe you don't like it but it's good for you because if you don't read these books you won't learn from them or pass the exam.

  3. Hello Greg, I recommend that you read them so that you can play, otherwise you will not pass

  4. Hello Greg I'm Neus my advice is that you try to find a book about sport that you like to do or watch or about a hobby you have.
    I think that way is would cost you less to read a book.

  5. I think you should is read the books, because if you read them you will pass

  6. Hello Greg, to be honest, I adviceyou to tell to your teacher about that, and another thing you can say it's, there are videogames to learn, that can make you learn meanwhile you play videogames, it can be a little boring, but not so much like reading books, I think.

  7. I think you should do the homewoork

  8. I think you should read a little bit and when you finish play videogames, becouse you did the homework and have a good time.

  9. Greg, you shouldn't play video games every day, some afternoon of the week, you could read but you have to choose a book that you like, that way it will be less boring

  10. Dear Greg, you should read some books and if you like the style of the book then you can start learning the English book that your teacher gave to you, and some times you can play videogames but you can't play all the day so make a schedule and organize the time that you play, read... and you can start reading the book more easily!
    Also some books are so boring at the start of it, but it becomes more interesting in the middle of the book or at the final part of the book. I recomend you to read the book!


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