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Showing posts from 2022


 MONICA- 18 YEARS OLD- CARDIFF I have a friend who is really tight-fisted. Every time that we go out for a drink or a meal he says he hasn’t got any money or he mysteriously disappears to the toilet when the bill arrives. At first we thought “poor John he never has any money”, but he works 6 days a week so he must have some money. What should I do?


 PAM- 22 YEARS OLD- BRIGHTON I have invited 20 people over for a big dinner party, they are arriving in 20 minutes. I was going to cook a big roast turkey but I put the oven temperature too high and it burned! The dinner is ruined! What should I do?


 MEG- 20 YEARS OLD- SEATTLE I share a flat with a friend and she keeps borrowing my things without asking. At first it was just little things like books and DVDs but now she’s started borrowing my clothes and when I want to wear my favourite dress, for example, I find it on her bedroom floor unwashed! What should I do?


 NICK- 15 YEARS OLD- LONDON I'm Nick. I love a girl, but she loves my best friend. I can't stand to see them together but I don't want to lose my best friend. What would you advice me?


 GREG- 13 YEARS OLD- LOS ANGELES My English teacher gave me a lot of books to read but I don't like books. I prefer video games. What should I do?


TIM- 16 YEARS OLD- MANCHESTER   I am a 16-year-old student. Next summer I want to go on holidays with my friends, but my parents think I'm irresponsible. What should I do?